
Dr. Markus Keller on Deutschlandfunk radio: live from the GRÜNE WOCHE Berlin
On January 25 Dr. Markus Keller was invited as interview partner on Deutschlandfunk radio. The program "Marktplatz - Vegane Ernährung", broadcasted live from the GRÜNE WOCHE in Berlin, was about...

Booklet “Nachhaltige Ernährung – Was unser Essen mit Klimaschutz und Welternährung zu tun hat””
The fourth edition of the booklet “Nachhaltige Ernährung – Was unser Essen mit Klimaschutz und Welternährung zu tun hat" is now available in print. The booklet for the general population was...

New anthology “Grüne Ernährung”
To mark the opening of the Anuga Food Fair 2023 (Cologen, Germany), the federal trade association within the German Retail Federation (BVLH) has published the anthology “ Grüne Ernährung - Vom...

Dr. Markus Keller on the German Podcast: “Tier und Jetzt – Ein Podcast von Animal Society”
Dr. Markus Keller was recently invited to be on the podcast “Tier und Jetzt – Ein Podcast von Animal Society” (Germany). The interview “Episode 12: Dr. Markus Keller - Zur Forschung und Entwicklung...

The VEGANScreener study (Germany) has started: now recruiting vegan and ominvorous participants
The VEGANScrener study (Germany) is part of the international VEGANScreener project which in turn is part of the European program initiative “A healthy diet for a healthy life” (JPI HDHL). The...

New journal publication: “Pflanzenbasierte Ernährung: Vorschlag einer Definition”
The term “plant-based” is on everyone’s lips but it is frequently used with a variety of different meanings, in popular media as well as the scientific literature. This can lead to...

Brochure and video series on the topic of “Nachhaltige Ernährung” – with the district of Neu-Ulm, Germany
We have produced a brochure on the subject of "Nachhaltige Ernährung" for the district of Neu-Ulm. As a research institute for plant-based nutrition, the ecological aspect of nutrition is an...

Trend Report Nutrition 2023 – with: Dr. Markus Keller & Tim Ritzheim as experts
The Trend Report Nutrition 2023 by Nutrition-Hub in cooperation with the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) presents the 10 most important nutrition trends. To this end, 170 experts from the...

New Research Paper: “How Does Selenium Intake Differ among Children (1–3 Years) on Vegetarian, Vegan, and Omnivorous Diets? Results of the VeChi Diet Study”
In regions with low soil selenium concentrations, selenium can be considered a critical nutrient in vegetarian and vegan diets. Studies investigating selenium intake in vegetarian and vegan children...