To mark the opening of the Anuga Food Fair 2023 (Cologen, Germany), the federal trade association within the German Retail Federation (BVLH) has published the anthology “ Grüne Ernährung – Vom Nachhaltigkeitswert pflanzlicher Lebensmittel für Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft”, including contributions from renowned experts from science and industry. The publication discusses opportunities and challenges of transforming the food system towards systems of food production, processing, and marketing that will be environmentally friendly and resource-efficient as well as sustainable in other aspects.

Dr. Markus Keller (IFPE) has contributed an essay titled “Gut für uns. Gut für die Erde” in which beneficial effects of a sustainable, plant-based diet on health, the environment, society, and the economy are highlighted.

You can download the anthology (in German) here.