Our team
Scientists from the fields of nutritional science, ecotrophology and medicine are working at the IFPE.
The team consists of permanent and freelance employees.
To download the organizational chart, please click here.
Head of the institute

Dr. oec. troph. Markus Keller
Nutritional scientist
Founder and managing partner

Prof. Dr. Claus Leitzmann
Nutritional scientist
Scientific mentor

Dr. troph. Stine Weder
Nutritional scientist
Scientific assistant to the management

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen
Chief Physician of the Department of Naturopathy at Immanuel Hospital Berlin and holder of the endowed professorship for clinical naturopathy at the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Founding partner

Prof. Dr. Jan Wirsam
Professor of Operations Management and Innovation Management at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences
Founding partner

Daniela Lück-Kohls
Management assistance
PhD students

M. Sc. Joelina Dietrich
Nutritional scientist
Main Project:
- VEGANScreener

M. Sc. Sandra Müller
Medical nutritionist
Main Project:
Research assistants

M. A. Sarah Jasiok
Sociologist M. A.
Main Project:
- Project- and grantsmanagement
- KiEFer

B. Sc. Vanessa Keller
Nutritional scientist
Student M.Sc. Nutritional Sciences

B. Sc. Anja Weber
Nutritional scientist
Student M.Sc. Nutritional Sciences

Edith Gätjen
Nutritional scientist
Main project:
- Practical implematation of plantbased diet

Jacqueline Kanig
Student B.Sc. Ecotrophology
Main Project:
- Social Media

Dr. Josefine Nebl
Nutritional scientist
Main Project:
- Vegan sports nutrition

Christina Renz
social worker (Dipl.)
Student Nutritional Science and Prevention (B. Sc.)
Main Project:

M. Sc. Tim Zerback
Nutritional scientist
Main Project:
- MultiVeg-Study

Samin Amini
Student M. Sc. Nutritional Science

Ramona Rüttinger
Student M. Sc. Nutritional Science